Miscellaneous Tariff Bill Petition

The International Trade Analysts at the U.S. International Trade Commission that are assigned to the Miscellaneous Tariff Bill Petition (MTBP) process are identifying domestic producers of the following aluminum products, or products that are like or directly competitive with those listed below. Legislation is pending to lower or eliminate tariffs on these items:
  • MTBP 2219: Machined cast aluminum loupe mountings with polytetrafluoroethylene coating (used in lights for dental exams and procedures)
  • MTBP 2746: Aluminum roof brace fittings for sheds
  • MTBP 3100: Aluminum extension poles; aluminum roller frames; aluminum adjustable frames designed for holding paint rollers of different sizes
Please provide answers to the following questions related to these products. Does or can your company produce extrusions for the following applications:

Question Title

* 1. Does or can your company produce extrusions for MTBP 2219: Machined cast aluminum loupe mountings with polytetrafluoroethylene coating (used in lights for dental exams and procedures? (click all that apply)

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* 2. Does or can your company produce extrusions for MTBP 2746: Aluminum roof brace fittings for sheds? (click all that apply)

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* 3. Does or can your company produce extrusions for MTBP 3100: Aluminum extension poles; aluminum roller frames; aluminum adjustable frames designed for holding paint rollers of different sizes? (click all that apply)

Question Title

* 4. Company Information