Dear Colleagues,
The Resource Mobilization Unit has completed its second year as a fully merged team. As we intend to keep a finger on the pulse of our performance and ensure we provide quality services that are relevant to CIFOR-ICRAF’s RM efforts, we invite you to take part in this short survey.
Your participation is highly appreciated.
Best regards,

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* 1. Are you:

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* 2. Are you based:

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* 3. In which region are you based?

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* 4. Have you used or interacted with the following services provided by the RM unit? (select all that apply)

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* 5. On a scale of 1 to 5, please rank how useful you find the following RM services:

  being very useful being somewhat useful being neutral being not very useful being not useful at all
Funding opportunities
Coordination meetings
RM Coordinator support in proposal development
Unsolicited (directly negotiated) fundraising support
RM funds
RM newsletter
Private Sector Due Diligence
Institutional submissions pipeline

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* 6. If you have interacted with an RM Coordinator, did they provide you with the support you need/ed to develop your Concept Note/Proposal or other required submission material?

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* 7. Regarding the above question, do you have any specific feedback on the service?

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* 8. The RM unit plans to support unsolicited fundraising. Given the limited time and resources of the unit, which of the following activities should be prioritized for 2023? (select one)

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* 9. The RM unit intends to hold ‘Guru sessions’ in 2023, where staff from various units present helpful information related to fundraising. Which of the following topics would be of interest to you? (Select all that apply)

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* 10. What is something the RM unit is doing well?

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* 11. What is something the RM unit should improve on?