We are interested in understanding how the local community feels about youth and family services in Carter and/or Love counties of southern Oklahoma. Youth and focused organizations need YOUR INPUT to know what we are doing well and what needs improvement. The data from this assessment will directly affect how we spend our funding and which programs we seek to fund!!

All answers are ANONYMOUS. We need your honest feedback, especially if you think it might be hard to hear. 

Note: Results will be provided to Community Youth Services of Southern Oklahoma; HFV Wilson Community Center; The Family Shelter of Southern Oklahoma; and United Way of South Central Oklahoma. 
Note: personal demographics will not be associated with any specific answers. We collect this information to ensure all people are properly represented in the results. 

Question Title

* 1. Personal Demographics: What is your age?

Question Title

* 2. Personal Demographics: With which race do you identify?

Question Title

* 3. Personal Demographics: What is your educational level?

Question Title

* 4. Personal Demographics: What is your household income?

Question Title

* 5. Which best describes your position in the community?

Question Title

* 6. Do you live in Carter or Love county?

Question Title

* 7. In which city do you live or which city is nearest your home residence?

Question Title

* 8. How would you rate the following issue affecting our youth and/or families: Academic struggles

Question Title

* 9. How would you rate the following issue affecting our youth and/or families: Access to internet

Question Title

* 10. How would you rate the following issue affecting our youth and/or families: Access to quality healthcare, including mental health care

Question Title

* 11. How would you rate the following issue affecting our youth and/or families: Access to quality research-driven sexual education

Question Title

* 12. How would you rate the following issue affecting our youth and/or families: Access to Spanish-speaking providers

Question Title

* 13. How would you rate the following issue affecting our youth and/or families: Accessibility throughout community

Question Title

* 14. How would you rate the following issue affecting our youth and/or families: Affordable housing

Question Title

* 15. How would you rate the following issue affecting our youth and/or families: Alcohol, drug use and/or abuse

Question Title

* 16. How would you rate the following issue affecting our youth and/or families: Bullying

Question Title

* 17. How would you rate the following issue affecting our youth and/or families: Child abuse

Question Title

* 18. How would you rate the following issue affecting our youth and/or families: Child neglect

Question Title

* 19. How would you rate the following issue affecting our youth and/or families: Cyber abuse and/or addiction

Question Title

* 20. How would you rate the following issue affecting our youth and/or families: Delinquency 

Question Title

* 21. How would you rate the following issue affecting our youth and/or families: Discrimination

Question Title

* 22. How would you rate the following issue affecting our youth and/or families: Disregard for authority

Question Title

* 23. How would you rate the following issue affecting our youth and/or families: Disruptive behavior

Question Title

* 24. How would you rate the following issue affecting our youth and/or families: Exposure to sexual content

Question Title

* 25. How would you rate the following issue affecting our youth and/or families: Family conflict, domestic violence and/or dysfunction

Question Title

* 26. How would you rate the following issue affecting our youth and/or families: Family support

Question Title

* 27. How would you rate the following issue affecting our youth and/or families: Financial Literacy in youth/young adults/young families

Question Title

* 28. How would you rate the following issue affecting our youth and/or families: Food insecurity and/or hunger

Question Title

* 29. How would you rate the following issue affecting our youth and/or families: High risk sexual activity 

Question Title

* 30. How would you rate the following issue affecting our youth and/or families: Homelessness, houselessness, being unhoused

Question Title

* 31. How would you rate the following issue affecting our youth and/or families: Household violence

Question Title

* 32. How would you rate the following issue affecting our youth and/or families: Human trafficking

Question Title

* 33. How would you rate the following issue affecting our youth and/or families: Issues affecting LGBTQ+ youth

Question Title

* 34. How would you rate the following issue affecting our youth and/or families: Life Skills

Question Title

* 35. How would you rate the following issue affecting our youth and/or families: Mental health, including suicidal ideations

Question Title

* 36. How would you rate the following issue affecting our youth and/or families: Parenting skills

Question Title

* 37. How would you rate the following issue affecting our youth and/or families: Quality& affordable after school care

Question Title

* 38. How would you rate the following issue affecting our youth and/or families: Quality& affordable summer child care and programming

Question Title

* 39. How would you rate the following issue affecting our youth and/or families: Quality& affordable childcare

Question Title

* 40. How would you rate the following issue affecting our youth and/or families: Racism

Question Title

* 41. How would you rate the following issue affecting our youth and/or families: Recreation or pro-social fun activities

Question Title

* 42. How would you rate the following issue affecting our youth and/or families: Runaway youth

Question Title

* 43. How would you rate the following issue affecting our youth and/or families: Safe walking infrastructure throughout town

Question Title

* 44. How would you rate the following issue affecting our youth and/or families: Self-esteem/self-efficacy

Question Title

* 45. How would you rate the following issue affecting our youth and/or families: Sense of community

Question Title

* 46. How would you rate the following issue affecting our youth and/or families: Services for children and/or families with special needs

Question Title

* 47. How would you rate the following issue affecting our youth and/or families: Social isolation

Question Title

* 48. How would you rate the following issue affecting our youth and/or families: Teen pregnancy

Question Title

* 49. How would you rate the following issue affecting our youth and/or families: Tobacco use, including electronic devices

Question Title

* 50. How would you rate the following issue affecting our youth and/or families: Transportation

Question Title

* 51. How would you rate the following issue affecting our youth and/or families: Truancy

Question Title

* 52. How would you rate the following issue affecting our youth and/or families: Victimization

Question Title

* 53. Which social issue or issues facing our youth did we miss in our survey?

Question Title

* 54. Have you ever experienced barriers to receiving/looking for/finding or using services for youth and/or families in Carter & Love counties? If yes, please identify those barriers below. Example: transportation, affordability, business hours, etc.

Question Title

* 55. Would you participate in or attend a town hall focused on youth issues?

Question Title

* 56. If you have any issues, comments, or concerns that you would like Community Youth Services to know, such as barriers, problems, particular issues, etc., please leave those in the following comment box. 

Question Title

* 57. If you have any issues, comments, or concerns that you would like HFV Wilson Community Center to know, such as barriers, problems, particular issues, etc., please leave those in the following comment box.

Question Title

* 58. If you have any issues, comments, or concerns that you would like the Family Shelter of Southern Oklahoma to know, such as barriers, problems, particular issues, etc., please leave those in the following comment box.

Question Title

* 59. If you have any issues, comments, or concerns that you would like United Way of South-Central Oklahoma to know, such as barriers, problems, particular issues, etc., please leave those in the following comment box.

100% of survey complete.