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1. I'm interested in the following HDF5/XML use cases:

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2. An accurate XML representation of the contents of HDF5 files is important in my application(s).

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3. For an HDF5/XML representation I am primarily interested in descriptive data (e.g., HDF5 group/link structure, attributes, datatypes etc.), but typically not interested in text-representations of all dataset elements.

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4. I'm currently using the HDF Group's XML schema hosted at .

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5. I've created my own XML representation of HDF5 files.

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6. I have a working knowledge of the following:

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7. I'm familiar with the HDF4 Mapping Project hosted at

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8. An HDF5 Mapping Capability would boost HDF5's credibility as a long-term archival format.

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9. One or more of the following are true in my application(s):

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10. Additional Comments