The LAE mentoring program will provide a framework to support ten early-career livestock professionals to further develop their skills and personal capability, enabling them to achieve their career goals. The program provides mentees with the opportunity to learn from respected, established livestock industry professionals (mentors). The success of the program will be underpinned by support from a diverse range of willing established livestock industry mentors. 

The five-month program will provide the foundations for a supportive, confidential partnership between two people that involves sharing and developing knowledge, and for the mentee to consolidate learnings from the formal LAE program. Mentees will benefit from the opportunity to practically apply or build on the knowledge gained through the LAE course-work with expert guidance and support.  Mentors also gain from the program through their own personal development (enhanced listening skills, higher empathy, problem solving, etc.) combined with a strong connection to the younger generation (exposure to new ways of thinking or doing things).

The LAE mentoring program will provide the tools and processes to train and support both parties in effective mentoring partnerships.

For queries regarding the Livestock Advisor Essentials mentoring program opportunity please contact
Jo Jones
Livestock Advisor Essentials coordinator
M: 0438 010 707

20% of survey complete.