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* 1. Please rate the following statements about your overall experience at camp this year:

  Disagree Strongly Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree
The information I learned was a valuable addition to my martial arts training.
I enjoy the opportunity to train with other instructors and students outside of my own dojo.
The camp was well organized and ran smoothly.
I intend to come to more WYKKO camps in the future. 
I like the Winter Camp location and enjoy coming back there each year. 

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* 2. Please identify which class you took during the 1st period and give us your feedback about your experience:

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* 3. Please identify which class you took during the 2nd period and give us your feedback about your experience:

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* 4. Please identify which class you took during the 3rd period and give us your feedback about your experience:

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* 5. Please identify which class you took during the 4th period and give us your feedback about your experience:

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* 6. Please identify which class you took during the 5th period and give us your feedback about your experience:

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* 7. Please answer the following questions about the courses offered:

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* 8. Do you have any additional comments about this camp?