Which of the following three introductions is written in a way that makes you want to continue reading the rest of the blog post?

The ultimate challenge for a life long learner is acquiring an additional language as an adult. It is a daunting task that requires a large investment in time and effort that doesn't even guarantee gratifying results. Unlike children who benefit from leveraging both hemispheres of the brain when learning a language, adult learners of a second language are limited to the left, logical hemisphere. This means that adult learners need to play to their strengths when learning a new language and approach the process as rationally and strategically as possible.

Here are 17 strategies that adult learners can deliberately use/employ to accelerate the language learning process when living abroad.


Despite the fact that we use language in every moment of our conscious and unconscious lives, it is easy to forget how important a role language plays in our lives until we're faced with the challenge of communicating with people in a language other than our mother tongue. If you've ever lived abroad in a country where you don't speak the language then you can appreciate how key language is to not only achieving success but just simply surviving.

Unlike children who benefit from leveraging both hemispheres of the brain when learning a language, adult learners of a second language are limited to the left, logical hemisphere. This means that adult learners need to play to their strengths when learning a new language and approach the process as rationally and strategically as possible.

Here are 17 strategies that adult learners can deliberately employ to accelerate the language learning process when living abroad.


Although children are much quicker at acquiring a second language when living abroad, adult learners can benefit from one thing that children can’t. Adult learners of a second language can think strategically about their learning journey whereas children just don’t approach language study in the same way. That is to say that children use language to communicate with adults but they don’t think about language as they’re using it. Adults benefit from having the capacity for meta-cognition and this is a strength that can be leveraged in their favor when learning a language.

Here are 17 strategies that adult learners can deliberately employ to accelerate the language learning process when living abroad.

Question Title

* 1. Which of the above paragraphs would inspire you to continue reading?