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* 1. What is your age range?

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* 2. Are you working during the pandemic?

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* 3. If you are currently working through the pandemic, what industry are you currently working in?

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* 4. As a result of the pandemic have you been stood down or terminated from your position and if so what impact has this had on your life e.g. in terms of finances, current and future outlook, mental health, spiritual, relationships and general well-being;


How would you rate this on a scale of 1 to 10 with 1 been the best you have ever felt and 10 been the worst.

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* 5. What industry did you work in prior to the pandemic?

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* 6. During the pandemic, have you sought career counselling, guidance, planning or resume writing services from a career professional

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* 7. Following up on question 6. Can you please expand on why you have or why you have not sought career guidance during the pandemic for example a reason you may have sought guidance is that you wanted help identifying your key transferable skills and a reason you may not have sought help maybe because finances are tighter than normal.

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* 8. If you were to engage the service of a career professional during the pandemic  what services would you been seeking

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* 9. During this time, what is the most important consideration for you when selecting a career professional

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* 10. What is your preferred Appointment type

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