Question Title

* 1. How would you rate your level of interest in each of the following topics?

  No interest Somewhat interested Interested Very interested
Natural bath and beauty products 
Herbal wellness/medicine
Working with chakras
Natural cleaning and home care

Question Title

* 2. How would you rate your level of knowledge in each of the following topics?

  Uninformed Somewhat knowledgable Knowledgable Expert
Natural bath and beauty products 
Herbal wellness/medicine
Working with chakras
Natural cleaning and home care

Question Title

* 3. How likely are you to purchase each type of product below?

  I would not purchase Somewhat likely Likely I do purchase
Natural bath and beauty products
Herbal wellness/medicine
Chakra support blends
Natural cleaning and home care
Aromatherapy treatments

Question Title

* 4. How likely are you to purchase each type of product from a hand crafter?

  I would not purchase Somewhat likely Likely I do purchase
Natural bath and beauty products
Herbal wellness/medicine
Chakra support blends
Natural cleaning and home care
Aromatherapy treatments

Question Title

* 5. How likely are you to purchase them online from a hand crafter?

  I would not purchase Somewhat likely Likely I do purchase
Natural bath and beauty products
Herbal wellness/medicine
Chakra support blends
Natural cleaning and home care
Aromatherapy treatments

Question Title

* 6. How important are the following product features to you?

  Not important Somewhat Important Important Extremely important
Certified Organic
Fair Trade
Minimally processed
Ethically sourced 

Question Title

* 7. What else should I know about you?

Question Title

* 8. Provide your email address to be entered into the prize drawing and to receive your free shipping coupon code.