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Stakeholder Feedback

This feedback survey has been created to help collect the comments and questions from our planning partners, stakeholders and residents. Information collected will be used to further refine and finalize the Region L Multi-jurisdictional Hazard Mitigation Plan for the 2019-2024 planning cycle.

Question Title

* 2. Name (optional):

Question Title

* 3. Email (optional)

If you have a comment or a question about a specific part of this draft plan, please leave us the information below. We will need the page number, paragraph (if applicable), and your comment or question.

If you would like to receive a response, please make sure to enter your name and email in the contact information.

You may leave up to  six (6) comments. If you have more than six, please start a new survey.

We appreciate your input!

Question Title

* 4. I would like to leave a comment:

Question Title

* 5. I would like to leave a comment:

Question Title

* 6. I would like to leave a comment:

Question Title

* 7. I would like to leave a comment:

Question Title

* 8. I would like to leave a comment:

Question Title

* 9. I would like to leave a comment: