This survey is in response to growing concerns about the budgetary pressures of Shropshire Council and their ability to maintaining local services. These services include the day-to-day upkeep of the town centre and areas throughout our town. Frequently the Town Council has been stepping in to help where Shropshire Council resources have not been available. We are increasingly aware that there will be further very significant reductions in their streetscene/public realm functions.
Over the last year the Town Council has consulted widely on the development of its Vision which has included the potential for doing more in supporting these and other services. During our most recent public consultation 87.5% of respondents wanted to see the Town Council take a more active role in the management of the public realm including street cleaning, litter picking, litter bin management and looking after street furniture.
This survey is designed to explore with you some of those ideas further before we finalise setting our budgets and plans for the new financial year.
Please answer the following questions and help us to make a difference in Shrewsbury.

Question Title

* 1. Shropshire Council has recently consulted on their proposed changes to services due to ongoing budgetary pressures. As part of the consultation it has asked whether the Parish & Town Councils should do more? To what extent do you agree to Shrewsbury Town Council doing more?

  Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree
The Town Council always puts the interests of Shrewsbury first
The Town Council is best placed to take on local services

Question Title

* 2. Overall how clean you you think Shrewsbury as a whole is?

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* 3. Are there any specific areas that require additional attention unclean?

Question Title

* 4. How important do you rate the following areas?

  Very Important Important Neutral Not Important Not Very Important
Cleaner Streets
Streets free from litter
More frequent litter bin collection
Well maintained Bins
Introduction of Recycling Litter Bins
Well maintained Benches
Dealing with Graffiti
Dealing with Fly-posting
Dealing with Fly-tipping
Clean Signs, Street Name Plates etc
Paths & Footbridges clear of snow & ice
Floral features and planters

Question Title

* 5. Many of the items listed in Q.4 above are the responsibility of Shropshire Council, but are only able to provide a basic service. The Town Council is looking to develop a Team working across all areas of the town to enhance the standards. Do you support this proposal?

Question Title

* 6. Is there anything else you think the Town Council should consider in developing this Team?

Question Title

* 7. How safe do you feel in the town centre?

Question Title

* 8. There are a number of initiatives operating in the town centre to keep people safe. How important do you rate the following in making you feel safe whilst visiting the town centre?

  Very Important Important Neutral Not Important Not Very Important
Modern CCTV System
Monitored CCTV
Town Rangers in the Town Centre
Park Security in the Quarry
Taxi Marshals in the Night-Time Economy
Footway Lighting

Question Title

* 9. Some of these services could be at risk. Do you support the Town Council having an increased role in protecting these safety measures in the town centre?

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* 10. Are there any specific areas outside of the town centre where you feel unsafe?

Question Title

* 11. The Town Council has looked at adding the above areas to its existing operational activities. This will result in an increase of approximately £15.00 per year to a Band B household (70% of households in Shrewsbury are Band A/B) – this equates to approximately 30p per week.

  Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree
This represents good value for money
I am happy for my Council Tax to be increased accordingly to protect/improve services
I want local people to make local decisions about what happens in Shrewsbury

Question Title

* 12. Do you have any additional comments to make about any of the above?

Question Title

* 13. Please provide your postcode?