Question Title

* 1. The Stigma Free Zone presentation I attended about 3 months ago improved my understanding of:

  Yes No
Mental health
Overall Stigma
Where to seek help for mental health issues

Question Title

* 2. As a result of the Stigma Free Zone presentation I feel more comfortable:

  Yes No
Talking about mental health with my family and friends
Socializing with someone from a group that might experience a lot of stigma
Helping someone who is being bullied or experiencing stigma of some kind

Question Title

* 3. Since attending the Stigma Free Zone presentation I have:

  Yes No
Had more discussions on mental health, stigma of some kind and/or bullying
Accessed resources to get information about mental health, stigma and/or bullying
Supported someone with an issue related to mental health, stigma and/or bullying
Made an effort to reduce stigma in my school or community

Question Title

* 4. Attending the Stigma Free Zone presentation made me want to:

  Yes No
Find out more about how I can reduce stigma in my daily life
Help promote a Stigma-Free environment at my school

Question Title

* 5. Please enter your e-mail to receive a follow-up survey in the future and to win a $25 gift card to SUBWAY sandwiches.