This won't take long....

We thought it would be interesting to find out what's happening with the State of Play for HR around the world. We'd love if you can take a couple of minutes to fill in our survey, and we'll report back on our findings!

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* 1. First up, what country are you based in?

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* 2. In the last year (yes the dreaded 2020) has your HR team:

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* 3. In the last year has the workload your HR team is dealing with:

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* 4. How many people are in your HR team compared to how many employees you have? (we're going to use this to calculate your HR ratio - and also see what the averages are for different industries!)

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* 5. On that note, what industry do you work?

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* 6. What have been the biggest HR challenges you've had to deal with in the last year?

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* 7. What % of your workforce now work from home or remotely and what HR changes have you have to make to deal with this?

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* 8. Do your HR team work remotely or are you back in the office?

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* 9. What is the biggest culture change you've seen in your workplace during the last year? Has this been positive or negative?