ACE Student Interest Form

Abstracts for Clinical Evidence is a digital poster presentation at Parker Seminars Las Vegas presenting new and exciting clinical research in the topics of Chiropractic, Neuroscience, Nutrition, and Human Performance. Presented by Parker University Research Center, our mission includes providing students from all chiropractic universities the opportunity to learn more about the process of developing quality research. To enable this mission, we have asked our interested research presenters from the ACE poster presentation at Parker Seminars Las Vegas if they are willing to mentor a student in how they developed their research questions, project, and shadow in the development of their digital poster. Opportunities for shadowing and mentoring cannot be guaranteed from the submission of this form, and will be given on a first come first served basis when opportunities are available. Please fill out this form in its entirety to be considered for this opportunity. 
1.Student Name
2.Student Email
3.Name of School
4.Current Semester/Trimester
5.How did you hear about the mentorship opportunity?
6.Have you previously participated in the development of a research project?
7.What is your preferred level of participation for this event?
8.What do you hope to get out of shadowing and/or participating in the development of a research poster presentation?
(This will help the ACE committee pair students with researchers/clinicians based on both parties interest levels)