Exit Spearfishing Catch Data Collection This survey is to collect catch data from spearfishers in Tasmania, focussing on the species that are proposed to be banned from spearfishers to catch. The data will be used to inform relevant authorities on the actual impact of spearfishers. Question Title * 1. How many days do you spearfish in Tasmania over a year? 0-15 15-50 50-100 100+ Question Title * 2. What species of fish do you mostly target when spearfishing (on breathhold) in Tasmania? I target all species every time I am spearfishing Banded Morwong Bastard Trumpeter Sand Flathead Stripey Trumpeter Other Morwong species (Jackass, Grey, Blue) Wrasse (all species combined) Sweep (all species combined) Snapper Herring Cale Squid (all species combined) Trevally (all species combined) Whiting (all species combined) Australian Salmon Longspine Sea Urchin Abalone (blacklip or greenlip) Crayfish Other flathead species (Rock, Tiger, Southern Bluespotted) Mackerel (all species combined) Gurnard Flounder Kingfish Swordfish, Marlin and Tuna (all species combined) Pike Leatherjacket (all species combined) Sharks and Rays (all species combined) Skates and Stingarees (all species combined) Other (please specify) Question Title * 3. Over a year, how many Banded Morwong do you catch spearfishing? None 1-3 4-6 7-10 10-15 15-20 20-30 30+ Exact number (if known) Question Title * 4. Over a year, how many Bastard Trumpeter do you catch spearfishing? None 1-3 4-6 7-10 10-15 15-20 20-30 30+ Exact number (if known) Question Title * 5. Over a year, how many Sand Flathead do you catch spearfishing? None 1-3 4-6 7-10 10-15 15-20 20-30 30+ Exact amount (if known) Question Title * 6. Over a year, how many Stripey Trumpeter do you catch spearfishing? None 1-3 4-6 7-10 10-15 15-20 20-30 30+ Exact number (if known) Question Title * 7. If you don't take any Stripey Trumpeter, Tuna, Marlin, Swordfish, or any other species due to not being experienced enough yet, would you take them if the opportunity presented itself? Yes, I'd like to take more species if I could No, I don't want to take other species that I can't get yet Comments Question Title * 8. How many times a year do you accidentally shoot illegal fish? E.g. undersize, out of season Never 1-2 3-4 5-6 7-10 10+ Question Title * 9. Which sustainable spearfishing practises do you use? Varying my catch: spreading out my fishing pressure on to multiple species rather than just one or two. Varying my location: not spearfishing in the same area more than a few times a month. Targeting species with healthy population levels: choosing to take more species with healthier stocks and fewer species that are vulnerable, depleted or depleting. Targeting range extended or invasive species: focusing your catch on range extended species like Herring Cale or invasive species like Longspine Sea Urchin. Taking less of the biggest fish: opting to take smaller individuals and leaving the biggest fish to breed or perform its function as a large fish in the ecosystem (e.g. only large crayfish can predate longspine sea urchin) Engaging with other spearfishers: talking to other spearfishers encouraging them to use sustainable spearfishing practises Taking less than the bag limit: having your own personal rules that extend beyond the recreational fishing rules and restrictions. Basing catch from scientific studies: reading up to date scientific data on fish stocks and ecological functions to inform what species and how many you take. Other (please specify) Page1 / 1 100% of survey complete. Done