County of Riverside Continuum of Care (CoC) Membership Application

Dear community member,

Thank you for your interest in participating in the County of Riverside Continuum of Care (CoC). The CoC is the planning body that coordinates the county’s policies, strategies and activities toward ending homelessness. It is made up of representatives from public and private agencies serving the homeless population, city and county representatives, law enforcement, churches, food pantries, homeless and formerly homeless individuals and other community residents.

The CoC also reviews and make recommendations regarding proposed homeless services and housing projects to be funded through the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD)’s annual application process and is responsible for the coordination of the census of homeless persons in the County as required by HUD or as defined by the CoC to meet the needs of the county.
Any interested stakeholder within the County of Riverside may request to become a member of the CoC. There are two forms of membership, membership of an organization or agency and membership as an individual. CoC members obtain and retain voting privileges through attendance and participation in accordance with established policies.

To become a voting member of the Riverside County CoC, either as an agency/organization or an individual the following is required:

  • Complete a membership application;
  • Attend three consecutive CoC meetings (at the fourth meeting, the new voting organization request will be placed on the meeting agenda as a consent item.)
To maintain membership in good standing, voting members are required to attend fifty percent plus one (50% +1) CoC meetings per year (not including standing committee meetings and other events). If an agency misses two consecutive CoC meetings, they rescind their voting privileges; voting privileges can be re-established after the agency attends three consecutive CoC meetings.  If an agency’s appointed representatives are unable to attend the CoC meeting, a proxy letter should be obtained from the Collaborative Applicant (HHPWS CoC Division). Paid employees/volunteers of a voting agency, who are the designated representative for that agency, are not allowed to also join the CoC as an individual member. Each agency or individual must select a delegate that will vote for the organization. An Individual identified as the delegate for an agency cannot hold a dual membership as a public member. Each agency or organization shall also select an alternate delegate who will vote in the absence of the assigned voting delegate. The designation of the delegate and alternate for an agency/organization should be submitted in writing to the CoC Chair. A sample designation letter will be e-mailed to you.

On behalf of the County’s Continuum of Care membership, I welcome you in joining our effort to end homelessness in Riverside County!
Greg Rodriguez, Chair
County of Riverside Continuum of Care