As part of the mobility special interest group (SIG) of the ‘Rehabilitation in Multiple Sclerosis network’ (RIMS), we are undertaking this survey in order to determine how physical therapy services for people with MS (access, type of treatment, delivery mode, practical, etc) were affected by the COVID pandemic

The study will involve a short survey on your experiences about the delivery of your physiotherapy practice both before the COVID pandemic and in current times. The study includes a mixture of both closed and open-ended questions, and should take approximately 15-20 minutes to complete.

This study has been reviewed and received ethical approval from the central ethical committees. You may have a copy of this approval if you request it.

You have been asked to participate because you are a physiotherapist working with people with multiple sclerosis.

No, you are under no obligation whatsoever to take part in this research. It is entirely up to you to decide whether or not you would like to take part. If you decide to do so, you will be asked to complete an electronic anonymized consent form. If you decide to take part, you are still free to withdraw at any time without giving a reason.

Information on your age group, education, experience and organization would be requested. This is followed by questions concerning organizational changes and rehabilitation practices both prior to the COVID-19 pandemic and current times.

Yes, all information that is collected about you during the course of the research will be kept confidential. The surveys are designed in such a way that you cannot be identified from the data that you provide, and therefore is completely anonymous.

All the information you provide will be inputted in a digital database. This database will be kept with the primary investigator of the study. Additionally, this database will be shared with the coordinator of the SIG mobility of RIMS’s network in order to undergo analysis. The datasets will be destroyed within 10 years.

Once the data in the datasets are analyzed, the research will be written up and presented as a summary report to be discussed at RIMS SIG mobility group meetings, and may be published in scientific journals or presented at National or International Conferences. A copy of the research findings will be made available to you upon request to Dr Elaine Toomey.

We do not envisage any negative consequences for you in taking part in this research.

If you need any further information, you can contact Susan Coote

If you agree to take part in the study, please complete the consent form on the next page.

Thank you for taking the time to read this.

This research study has received Ethics approval from the Education and Health Sciences Research Ethics Committee 2021_03_09

If you have any concerns about this study and wish to contact someone independent you may contact the Chairman Education and Health Sciences Research Ethics Committee
EHS Faculty Office, University of Limerick
Tel (061) 234101
Email :

Question Title

* 1. Consent:
Please indicate your eligibility and consent to participant in the following research
- I am a physiotherapist and provide services to people with multiple sclerosis
- The purpose and nature of the study has been explained to me in writing
- I am participating voluntarily - I understand that I can withdraw from the study without repercussions at any time, whether that is before it starts or while I am participating.
- It has been explained to me how my data will be managed
- I understand that my data is confidential as described in the information sheet
- I understand that my data is collected anonymously, and that this anonymous dataset would be shared within the SIG mobility group of the RIMS network.
- I understand that my data may be used in further research projects and any subsequent publications

I agree to the above statements and consent to continue to the questionnaire

Question Title

* 2. What is your age

Question Title

* 3. What is your gender?

Question Title

* 4. What's your highest education level?

Question Title

* 5. Years of Overall practise?

Question Title

* 6. Percentage of your total work that is with MS patients per year - BEFORE the COVID pandemic (2019)

Question Title

* 7. Percentage of your total work that is with MS patients per year - DURING the COVID pandemic (2020)

Question Title

* 8. What country is your workplace in?

Question Title

* 9. In what setting do you work?

Question Title

* 10. Type of treatment offered in your workplace

Question Title

* 11. Were you infected by COVID?

Question Title

* 12. Usage of different PT methods in patients with MS DURING the Covid-19 pandemic
Please describe, how did Covid-19 affect the frequency and the kind of use of the following PT interventions DURING the pandemic (2020).

  Never or rarely used Cannot use it now Decreased use No change Increased use Recently started using
Aerobic training, conditioning exercises
Strengthening, resistance training
Relaxation techniques, yoga, tai chi
Classical PT procedures (Bobath, PNF, Perfetti, Frenkel, Petö, Rood)
Balance training (static, dynamic), postural awareness, trunk control
Balance platform (devices for proprioceptive posture therapy)
Dual Tasking
Orthotic devices assessment and training
Pelvic floor exercises
Conductive education programme
Constraint-Induced movement therapy
Training of activities of daily living

Question Title

* 13. cont...

  Never or rarely used Cannot use it now Decreased use No change Increased use Recently started using
Fatigue management program
Treadmill training, body weight support walking training
Biofeedback, electrical stimulation
Nordic Walking  
Cryotherapy, Heat therapy, electrotherapy, magnetotherapy
Virtual reality, gaming technology
Music therapy, dance therapy
Pain control
Robotic-assisted rehabilitation therapy, sensor assisted rehabilitation
Cognitive, perceptual, visual, or sensory perceptual training

Question Title

* 14. Type of use during the Covid-19 pandemic- Answer when applicable

  Online only  Both online and face to face Face to face only
Aerobic training, conditioning exercises
Strengthening, resistance training
Relaxation techniques, e.g. yoga, tai-chi
Classical PT procedures (Bobath, PNF, Perfetti, Frenkel, Petö, Rood, Perfetti)
Balance training (static, dynamic), postural awareness
Balance platform (devices for proprioceptive posture therapy)
Dual tasking
Orthotic devices assessment and training
Pelvic floor exercises
Conductive education programme
Constraint-Induced movement therapy
Training of activities of daily living

Question Title

* 15. cont.....

  Online only Both Face to Face and Online Face to Face only
Fatigue management program
Treadmill training, body weight support walking training
Biofeedback, electrical stimulation
Nordic Walking
Cryotherapy, Heat therapy, electrotherapy, magnetotherapy
Virtual reality, gaming technology
Music therapy, dance therapy
Manual therapy
Pain control
Robotic-assisted rehabilitation therapy, sensor assisted rehabilitation
Cognitive, perceptual, visual, or sensory perceptual training

Question Title

* 16. BEFORE Covid-19 pandemic (2019), in which kind of organizational framework did you work?

Question Title

* 17. If you worked in a team, please write the number of people working together in multidisciplinary rehabilitation team?

Question Title

* 18. Concerning their rehabilitation  BEFORE the pandemic, were your patients involved in the goal setting process?

Question Title

* 19. DURING Covid-19 pandemic (2020), in which kind of organizational framework did you work?

Question Title

* 20. If you worked in a team DURING the pandemic, please write the number of people working together in multidisciplinary rehabilitation team?

Question Title

* 21. Concerning their rehabilitation  DURING the pandemic, were your patients involved in the goal setting process?

Question Title

* 22. During a standard treatment BEFORE Covid-19 pandemic (2019), how much time (% of the treatment session) do you use “hands-on” (manual) therapy, verbal instructions and demonstrations. Please define for each type of MS patient. (Your answer should total 100%).

* "Hands on" includes manual therapy techniques and also facilitation of movement using the therapist’s hands on the patient’s body
* Verbal instruction defined as giving oral instructions and cueing to the patient regarding their exercises, their gait and any other type of functional movement patterns.
* Demonstration defined as physically showing the patient how to do an exercise or a functional movement pattern by demonstrating the movement first yourself.

Mobility MILDLY impaired (no walking aids): (Total must be 100%)

  0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
“Hands on”* / Manual treatment
Verbal instruction*

Question Title

* 23. During a standard treatment BEFORE Covid-19 pandemic (2019), how much time (% of the treatment session) do you use “hands-on” (manual) therapy, verbal instructions and demonstrations. Please define for each type of MS patient. (Your answer should total 100%).

Mobility MODERATELY impaired (cane/s and rollator): (Total must be 100%)

  0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
“Hands on”* / Manual treatment
Verbal instruction*

Question Title

* 24. During a standard treatment BEFORE Covid-19 pandemic (2019), how much time (% of the treatment session) do you use “hands-on” (manual) therapy, verbal instructions and demonstrations. Please define for each type of MS patient. (Your answer should total 100%).

Mobility SEVERELY impaired (wheelchair users): (Total must be 100%)

  0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
“Hands on”* / Manual treatment
Verbal instruction*

Question Title

* 25. During a standard treatment DURING Covid-19 pandemic (2020), how much time (% of the treatment session) do you use “hands-on” (manual) therapy, verbal instructions and demonstrations. Please define for each type of MS patient. (Your answer should total 100%).

* "Hands on" includes manual therapy techniques and also facilitation of movement using the therapist’s hands on the patient’s body
* Verbal instruction defined as giving oral instructions and cueing to the patient regarding their exercises, their gait and any other type of functional movement patterns.
* Demonstration defined as physically showing the patient how to do an exercise or a functional movement pattern by demonstrating the movement first yourself.

Mobility MILDLY impaired (no walking aids): (Total must be 100%)

  0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
“Hands on”* / Manual treatment
Verbal instruction*

Question Title

* 26. During a standard treatment DURING Covid-19 pandemic (2020), how much time (% of the treatment session) do you use “hands-on” (manual) therapy, verbal instructions and demonstrations. Please define for each type of MS patient. (Your answer should total 100%).

Mobility MODERATELY impaired (cane/s and rollator): (Total must be 100%)

  0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
“Hands on”* / Manual treatment
Verbal instruction*

Question Title

* 27. During a standard treatment DURING Covid-19 pandemic (2020), how much time (% of the treatment session) do you use “hands-on” (manual) therapy, verbal instructions and demonstrations. Please define for each type of MS patient. (Your answer should total 100%).

Mobility SEVERELY impaired (wheelchair users): (Total must be 100%)

  0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
“Hands on”* / Manual treatment
Verbal instruction*

Question Title

* 28. Therapeutic session - BEFORE Covid (2019)

Please, specify the average therapeutic session (including virtual or face to face treatment) provided by you, per patient, BEFORE Covid-19 pandemic (2019)

Length of session (in minutes)

Question Title

* 29. Number of sessions per week (if less than once per week, please indicate the frequency)

Question Title

* 30. Total number of sessions

Question Title

* 31. Therapeutic session - DURING Covid (2020)

Please, specify the average therapeutic session (including virtual or face to face treatment) provided by you, per patient, DURING Covid-19 pandemic (2020)

Length of session (in minutes)

Question Title

* 32. Number of sessions per week (if less than once per week, please indicate the frequency)

Question Title

* 33. Total number of sessions

Question Title

* 34. Physical therapy accessibility - BEFORE Covid (2019)

From your point of view, how accessible has physical therapy been for MS patients in your country BEFORE the Covid-19 pandemic (2019)?

in your hospital or MS center setting

0 - Not available 100 - Available for all
i We adjusted the number you entered based on the slider’s scale.

Question Title

* 35. In your community setting or private clinic (e.g. MS society)

0 - Not available 100 - Available for all
i We adjusted the number you entered based on the slider’s scale.

Question Title

* 36. Physical therapy accessibility - DURING Covid (2020)

From your point of view, how accessible has physical therapy been for MS patients in your country DURING the Covid-19 pandemic (2020)?

in your hospital or MS center setting

0 - Not available 100 - Available for all
i We adjusted the number you entered based on the slider’s scale.

Question Title

* 37. In your community setting or private clinic (e.g. MS society)

0 - Not available 100 - Available for all
i We adjusted the number you entered based on the slider’s scale.

Question Title

* 38. PT effectiveness

Rate physical rehabilitation effectiveness for people with MS BEFORE Covid-19 pandemic (2019). Rehabilitation is defined as “a set of interventions designed to optimize functioning and reduce disability in individuals with health conditions in interaction with their environment” (WHO). Effective rehabilitation helps the patient to be as independent as possible in everyday activities and enables participation in education, work, recreation and meaningful life roles such as taking care of family.

0 - Not effective 100 - Highly effective
i We adjusted the number you entered based on the slider’s scale.

Question Title

* 39. Rate physical rehabilitation effectiveness for people with MS DURING Covid-19 pandemic (2020)

0 - Not effective 100 - Highly effective
i We adjusted the number you entered based on the slider’s scale.

Question Title

* 40. Technologies

Please answer if you use any of the following technologies with your patients BEFORE Covid pandemic (2019)

Question Title

* 41. Please answer if you use any of the following technologies with your patients DURING Covid pandemic (2020)

Question Title

* 42. If telerehabilitation has been used DURING the Covid pandemic (2020), what were the challenges you faced? Please choose the THREE most relevant.

Question Title

* 43. How do you feel about delivering your interventions DURING the Covid pandemic (2020)? Please, choose the THREE most relevant

Question Title

* 44. Did you agree with the rules and regulations set out in your workplace for COVID-19 protection (including personal protective equipment in face to face sessions and data security protection in online sessions)?

Question Title

* 45. Organizational changes DURING Covid (2020)

During 2020 some organizational, employer and employee impact may have occurred in your workplace. Please describe to what extent (duration in number of months) these changes occurred.

Stop face to face rehabilitation (number of months)

Question Title

* 46. At which month did the stop of face to face sessions occur

Question Title

* 47. Stop clinical research (number of months)

Question Title

* 48. Stop or reduce the number of students on placement in practice (number of months)

Question Title

* 49. Changes in educational courses/professional development for staff (number of months)

Question Title

* 50. Was your income affected during the pandemic?

Question Title

* 51. Did your working conditions as a PT change DURING the Covid-19 pandemic (2020)? (select ONE answer)

Question Title

* 52. What percentage of your work changed to telerehabilitation during the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020?

Thank you for completing the survey. The results will be made available through the RIMS network and through ISCP/CPNG events later on.