We want to hear from you!

Social distancing and life as we know it shifting can feel hard. If we’re not pro-active, we run the risk of ruminating on fear and worry, numbing ourselves with TV or news feeds, and becoming stagnant, isolated and depressed (you may already be feeling it). Throughout the next few months, my team and I will be putting out lots of valuable content to support your physical, mental, emotional and spiritual wellbeing through this time.

Please let us know what FREE content would feel most supportive to you right now. All responses are anonymous. We greatly appreciate your contribution.

From my heart,
Allison Andrews, OmBody founder

Question Title

* 1. What type of online content do you need most right now? 

Please be thoughtful and only select those that you would engage in.

Note, all classes will be designed to be done in the comfort of your own space with minimal props.

Thank you for your contribution to a healthier community. Stay tuned to see your requests come to life!

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