Honouring his commitment to ORBA as its first President, the J.D. Chick Scholarship is awarded annually to a student attending an Ontario University and entering their final year of a Civil Engineering discipline. Becoming ORBA President in 1927, J.D. served as President of Chick Construction, one of the biggest road builders in Ontario in the 1920s and 30s. The companies’ business grew in the 1940s, securing contracts for work on the Alaska Highway in B.C.

Scholarship amount:

Submission deadline:
December 05, 2024

Who is eligible:
Ontario university students entering their final year of a Civil Engineering Technology/Technician program.

Question Title

* 1. Name:

Question Title

* 2. Email:

Question Title

* 3. Address:

Question Title

* 4. Phone Number:

Question Title

* 5. Name of the institution you are attending

Question Title

* 6. What is your program of study?

Question Title

* 7. Proof of enrollment in their final year of a Civil Engineering/Technology/Technician program at
an Ontario University.

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Question Title

* 8. Transcript of your marks and progress in your program, including the most current information available.

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Question Title

* 9. Upload Your Current Resume 

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Question Title

* 10. Testimonial Letters (recommended)

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Question Title

* 11. In under less than 500 words tell us: 1) why you have pursued an engineering or engineering technology degree, and 2) discussing your goals in pursuing a career in civil engineering/technology.

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* 12. Indicate if you are related to the owner of or employee at an ORBA member company

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* 13. Please confirm that you are in the final year of university study.