Study Title:  Portfolio-based Language Assessment in Beginning Adult English Language Literacy Classes

Research Investigator:                                                        
Marilyn Abbott, PhD                         
Department of Educational Psychology                                            
6-102 Education North                                                          
University of Alberta                                                 
Edmonton, AB, T6G 2G5                                 
Tel. 780-492-9090
If you are currently teaching or have recently taught a Language Instruction for Newcomers to Canada (LINC) Literacy class, I invite you to participate in a portfolio-based language assessment (PBLA) research project. The purpose of this project is to explore LINC Literacy instructors’ perceptions of the purpose of PBLA, its impact on teaching and learning, and the assessment processes involved in PBLA. This research has been funded by a Support for the Advancement of Scholarship Grant from the University of Alberta, a Pathways to Prosperity Grant from Western University, and an Insight Grant from the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada.
Study Procedures
You will be asked to complete an online survey. The survey questions will ask about your background education and teaching experience, and your perceptions of PBLA. The survey will take approximately 15 minutes to complete.
The information from this study will help us better understand LINC Literacy instructors’ perceptions of PBLA. Study results may also lead to recommendations for improving assessment processes and outcomes in LINC Literacy classes. While there are potential long term benefits of this research, there may not be any direct benefits to participants for completing the survey, other than providing them with an opportunity to reflect on PBLA processes and practices.
There are no risks to participating in this study.
Voluntary Participation
You are under no obligation to participate in this study. Participation is completely voluntary. You may choose not to answer any specific survey questions. There is no financial cost associated with being involved. If you wish to withdraw from the study, please do not click the submit button at the end of the survey. Responses cannot be withdrawn once submitted.        
Confidentiality & Anonymity
The information we collect will be used in presentations and research articles. The data will be kept confidential. Only the researcher, the research assistants, and the Research Ethics Committee will be allowed access to it. Survey responses will be anonymous. No names will be used in any of our data files or reports. No information will be provided that could identify individuals or ESL programs. You should know that while we will keep the information you give us confidential - in the United States under US privacy laws, the government has the right to access all information held in electronic databases. However, because no names will be collected in the online SurveyMonkey questionnaire, your responses will remain anonymous.
The anonymous survey data will be kept on a password protected computer for 5 years after the project is completed.

Further Information

If you have any further questions regarding this study or if you would like to request a report of the research results, please contact Marilyn Abbott ( – 780-492-9090). The plan for this study has been reviewed for its adherence to ethical guidelines by a Research Ethics Board at the University of Alberta. If you have concerns about this study, you may contact the Research Ethics Office at 780-492-2615. This office has no direct involvement with this study.

Consent Statement
I have read the information provided above, and I have been given a chance to ask questions. My questions have been answered to my satisfaction and I agree to participate in this study. If I have additional questions, I have been told whom to contact.

By proceeding with the survey, you acknowledge that you reviewed and understood the information above and you are giving your formal consent to participate.
Please click the Next button below if you agree to participate.
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14% of survey complete.