The Department of Early Learning is sponsoring training for new ELMS Administrators.  
ELMS is the Early Learning Management System for ECEAP child, family and site data.  Each ECEAP Contractor has at least one ELMS Administrator who is responsible for coordinating the use of ELMS. ELMS Administrators:
·         Work for an ECEAP Contractor.
·         Set up ELMS for each school year.
·         Assign ELMS access to other ELMS users.
·         Assist other staff with use of ELMS.

This training will cover the purpose of ELMS, ECEAP contractor data entry requirements, managing locations and classes, managing child and family records, monthly reports to DEL, other reports, and administrative functions.

When and where?
Thursday, August 3, 2017, 9:00 to 3:30 at Green River College, Kent
Friday, September 8, 2017, 9:00 to 3:30 at Big Bend Community College, Moses Lake
Who should attend?
 ·         This training is only for ELMS Administrators, the ELMS super-users at the ECEAP Contractor level. It is not for site or classroom level ELMS users.
·         It is fast-paced, for confident computer users. It takes place in a computer lab.
·         This training is not useful for experienced ELMS administrators. We are planning Advanced ELMS meetings for January 2018 in several locations.
·         Please note that we will not cover ECEAP Eligibility and Enrollment extensively; DEL provides a separate full day training on these topics. 

•   This training is free of charge, except that no-shows will be required to pay the cost of their space, $150, from non-ECEAP funds.
•   You will receive an email confirming your registration and providing directions to the training you selected.

Travel Costs:
DEL will reimburse part of the travel costs to support your attendance at this event. Your agency may choose to reimburse the remaining costs. DEL will pay: 
  • Round trip mileage at .535 cents per mile. Please carpool when possible and track your incoming mileage, so that you can complete forms at the meeting.
  • Airfare, and up to $35 per day towards costs for a rental car between the airport and meeting site. DEL cannot reimburse for rental car insurance, GPS, or other optional costs.
  • One night’s lodging, if traveling over 50 miles one way, or two night’s lodging, if traveling over 100 miles one way. You must make your own hotel reservations. DEL will pay only the  room charge and related taxes, at no more than $99 plus tax, which is the “state government rate”  for this location.
Reimbursement forms must be completed at the event. Bring your hotel, air and rental car receipts and a GoogleMap or MapQuest print-out of your route showing total mileage.
There will be a one-hour lunch break to obtain lunch on your own. You may purchase food nearby or bring a lunch to eat outside of the computer lab.

Question Title

* 1. Registrant Information

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* 2. I will attend the following training:

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* 3. No-show policy:
I understand that the Department of Early Learning (DEL) is paying my fee for this training. If I am unable to attend, I will make every effort to secure a substitute from my program or from the DEL waiting list. If there is no substitute, I agree to pay the “no show” fee of $150 from non-ECEAP funds.

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* 4. My director/ supervisor is aware of this no-show policy.