As detailed in the members bulletin, the PSA is seeking your view on how to proceed with the new RFS Award which has been in negotiations for 3 years. Although the PSA and RFS are close to an agreement on a consent Award which will be subject to the final approval of PSA members, there are still a number of remaining steps which need to be completed.

Work on these remaining steps cannot commence in earnest until bargaining parameters are obtained from the Wages Policy Taskforce (WPT) (for more information on bargaining parameters, see associated bulletin). It is anticipated that the WPT will determine our application for bargaining parameters in the beginning of the week starting 22 March 2021. We anticipate, that if the WPT approves bargaining parameters on or around 22 March 2021, then a consent Award could be finalised before the end of the year.

If bargaining parameters are declined or if they do not match the Award negotiated thus far, there will be a significant delay to the finalisation of the Award as the PSA and RFS will have to renegotiate aspects or all of the Award. Importantly, it is open to the PSA at any time to seek an Award by order of the Industrial Relations Commission (an arbitrated Award). The Commission can arbitrate an Award regardless of bargaining parameters. An arbitrated Award can take roughly between 6 – 12 months.

It is the view of your delegates that if the WPT approves bargaining parameters on or around 22 March 2021, then it is acceptable to continue to negotiate a consent Award with a view to finalise the Award within the next 9 months. In the event that there is an unacceptable delay to the finalisation of the Award, which would occur if bargaining parameters are declined, then the PSA should seek that the Commission arbitrate the Award.

We seek your input on how the PSA should respond in respect to the various outcomes of the WPT. Please consider the following scenarios and questions.

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* 1. Scenario 1: On or around 22 March 2021, the WPT approves bargaining parameters which are consistent with the Award negotiated thus far allowing the PSA and RFS commence work on the remaining steps to finalise a consent Award.

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* 2. Scenario 2: The WPT fails to provide a response on or around 22 March 2021. The RFS and PSA will have to wait for the WPT to determine the application for bargaining parameters before work on the remaining steps can commence. 

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* 3. Scenario 3: On or around 22 March 2021, the WPT declines bargaining parameters (note: this will require the PSA and RFS to renegotiate all or aspects of the Award). 

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* 4. Scenario 4: On or around 22 March 2021, the WPT approves bargaining parameters which are inconsistent with the Award negotiated thus far (note: this will require the PSA and RFS to renegotiate aspects of the Award – delaying a consent Award by several months)

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* 5. In order to ensure that we are only counting responses from PSA members, please validate your survey responses by providing your email address.