The purpose of this survey is to gather accurate information from PGCEA members as we prepare for bargaining with the Board of Education for our next contract (our current contract expires on June 30, 2022). Individual responses will not be shared, and this information will only be used by the PGCEA Bargaining Team to help us prepare proposals and establish priorities.

PGCEA Bargaining for the Common Good – Member Survey

PGCEA Bargaining for the Common Good – Member Survey

 The purpose of this survey is to gather accurate information from PGCEA members as we prepare for bargaining with the Board of Education for our next contract (our current contract expires on June 30, 2022).

Individual responses will not be shared, and this information will only be used by the PGCEA Bargaining Team to help us prepare proposals and establish priorities.  
3. How many years have you been a Unit I member in Prince George’s County Public Schools?(Required.)
4.Which best describes your position in PGCPS?(Required.)
5. Assignment (check all that apply)(Required.)
6.Certification Status(Required.)
Strongly Agree
Strongly Disagree
Not Applicable
1. The number of after school meetings I am required to attend is reasonable
2. The number of meetings I am required to attend during my duty day is reasonable.
3. Mandated tests (state and local) I must administer to my students are useful tools to evaluate student learning and adjust my instruction.
4. The time required for mandatory student testing is appropriate and supports student instruction.
5. The current SLO format used by PGCPS helps me improve instruction.
6. Duties not directly related to my primary job responsibilities are kept to a minimum and assigned in an equitable fashion at my school (lunch/recess duty, substituting, hall duty, etc.).
7. The amount of paperwork (handwritten and computerized) that I am required to complete is reasonable.
8. I am required to enter attendance for students on days I am absent from class/school.
9. The benefits of PGCPS grading procedures related to minimum weekly requirements and timelines, outweigh the time they take to complete.
10. Work requirements and expectations pressure me to work beyond the 7.5-hour workday on a regular basis.
11. The amount of collaborative planning required at my school is reasonable and appropriate.
12. At my school, teachers have direct input into collaborative planning agendas and run the meetings.
8.Compensation and Benefits(Required.)
Strongly Agree
Strongly Disagree
Not Applicable
13.  I am adequately paid for the work I do.
14. PGCEA should have a defined role, in partnership with the Board of Education, to determine changes to employee insurance costs and plan offerings.
15. The PGCPS health, dental and vision plans offer employees good coverage at a reasonable cost.
16. Tuition reimbursement should be paid to all Unit I members who meet the requirements explained in the contract, rather than on a first come first served basis.
17. I still must work a second job to cover living expenses and supplement resources for my classroom/office and students.
18. I would like to be reimbursed for out-of-pocket expenses such as instructional supplies, copy paper/outside copies made/room décor/furnishings.
9.Respect and Voice(Required.)
Strongly Agree
Strongly Disagree
Not Applicable
19. The current PGCPS Evaluation System provides feedback that promotes my professional growth.
20. The feedback I receive from the PGCPS Evaluation System is worth the time and effort required to complete all evaluation tasks and activities.
21. The PGCPS Evaluation System encourages me to have meaningful conversations with my supervisor about my work and helps me identify areas of growth.
22. My administration confers with me and provides timely responses related to student discipline.
23. PGCPS staff development activities are meaningful and worthwhile for my grade level and assignment.
24. School based staff development activities are meaningful and worthwhile for my grade level and assignment.
25. I am valued and respected by my administrators and supervisors.
26. Monthly student half days would have a positive impact on my workload and stress.
10.Health and Safety(Required.)
Strongly Agree
Strongly Disagree
Not Applicable
27. The air quality at my school/work site is healthy and is not a concern at my building.
28. When there is a problem with air quality or other health concerns at my school or worksite they are quickly communicated to staff and addressed by administration/supervisors.
29. There are clear and consistent procedures at my building(s) to address health and safety concerns.
30. There is adequate space in my school(s) for the student population and the programs we offer.
31. I personally feel safe in my workplace.
32. The Spring 2021 PGCPS Reopening and Recovery Plan for the return to school for hybrid learning kept me and my students safe.
Strongly Agree
Strongly Disagree
Not Applicable
33. The school system provides me with the appropriate technology to do my job.
34. PGCPS provides timely repair or replacement of technology for staff and students.
35. The PGCPS replacement cycle for Unit I members is adequate, and the system provides replacements according to the schedule.
36. PGCPS provides the time and training necessary to successfully adapt to new technology.
12.Please check your TOP THREE priorities for negotiations aside from salary and benefit improvements (salary and benefits will always be top priorities):(Required.)
13.On average, how much additional time per week do you work beyond the contractual workday?(Required.)
14.The ability to negotiate better salary, benefits and working conditions depends on the ability of PGCEA to persuade and at times pressure, the Board of Education, and other public officials.  Which of the following activities HAVE YOU DONE in the past, and which ARE YOU WILLING TO DO this year to support PGCEA’s bargaining efforts?  Mark all that apply.(Required.)
Have done this in the past
Willing to do this during the 21-22 school year
39. Attend BOE or County budget hearings.
40. Attend PGCEA lobby nights in Annapolis
41. Wear a specific color, button, or article of clothing as an expression of solidarity with the bargaining team.
42. Attend Bargaining for the Common Good open bargaining sessions.
43. Sign a petition supporting PGCEA’s bargaining platform.
44. Speak at public hearings, events or bargaining sessions.
45. Join the Contract Action Team at my school/work site.
46. Participate in demonstrations or other public actions in support of the PGCEA Bargaining Platform.
47. Participate in a “work to the contract” job action, including entering and leaving work with my colleagues.
Current Progress,
0 of 14 answered