Please complete all of the fields below to join the RFL Members Club.

Question Title

* 1. Name:

Question Title

* 2. Email:

Question Title

* 3. Occupation:

Question Title

* 4. Phone:

Question Title

* 5. Address:

Question Title

* 6. Please select from the below membership options:

  *Annual Membership One-time
RFL Members Club £1000 Gold
*Annual membership subscriptions include access to exclusive event tickets as well as the annual RFL Members Team dinner. Start date is when membership application form and payment is submitted by the applicant and/or received by RFL Members Club. Membership application is for RFL Members Club, set forth on the application form dated this date (the “Application”) are true, correct and complete. The Application is incorporated by reference and made a part of this Contract. RFL Members will pay the total fee of the option they have chosen eg yearly or as a one-time payment. RFL Members agree to a membership terms of which ever one they have chosen of either one-time or annual (1) year and acknowledge that the direct debits (payments) will continue for that period unless they terminate their membership with 1 month notice period.

Question Title

* 7. Payment Method:

You’ll enter payment info after the survey.
Bank Transfer Payment Details: 
Bank account: ASB 12-3109-0163480-00
Charity registered number, incorporated as a Charitable Trust on 12th day of November 2020: 50053970 - NZBN: 942904879071