Colorado REVUP Form

Presented by: Colorado Cross-Disability Coalition

CCDC Logo, Colorado Cross-Disability Coalition
Together we have the power to change our communities!

Since 1990, CCDC has been the largest organization uniting and advocating for people with all types of disabilities across Colorado that is run by majority by people with disabilities.

We cannot rest on our past victories. We must build on the past and move forward using the power we have acquired. This power can be exerted if we Make the DISABILITY VOTE Count! Policymakers are influenced by large numbers of people turning out to vote in the primaries and the general elections. Our goal is to get more people with disabilities and our supporters registered and voting!

Step #1: Make sure YOU are registered to vote for the November 8 General Election and sign the below CCDC REV UP Pledge to Vote!

Special thanks to The Texas Disability Project for creating the initial Toolkit:
The American Association of People with Disabilities


To download the complete document, click here


Question Title

* 1. Add my name to get information about CCDC's Voting Rights Campaign?

Question Title

* 2. I want to VOLUNTEER TIME, building the REV UP Campaign...

Question Title

* 3. Make a Pledge to VOTE!


Send email to or call 303-531-7333