As part of our research, we would like to know more about your respiratory health and to learn how recently you have experienced symptoms.  

Thank you for your involvement, time and efforts!

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* 1. ID and Zip/Postal Codes

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* 2. Please enter today's date:

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* 3. Please indicate the last time you recall having symptoms of each of these conditions.

  Within the last 30 days. Three to twelve months ago.  One to five years ago.  More than 5 years ago.  I do not recall/ Not applicable  I prefer not to respond to this question.
Sinusitis or Rhino-sinusitis
Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease or other lung dysfunction (other than asthma)
Tonsillitis or other throat infections
Pneumonia or influenza 
Allergies or reactivity to airborne irritants 
Laryngitis or hoarseness
Mouth or gum infections
Ear infections 

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* 4. In your own experience, please tell us about any triggers that are associated with nasal or sinus congestion or infection.  Please include both environmental triggers and other health associated factors that may be related to onset or duration of these problems.

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* 5. Regarding the wellness activities that are part of your life, please indicate any category in which you have participated over the last year.  Select as many as apply.  Select the frequency category that best applies to your activities. 

  None Less than 10 minutes a week Less than an hour a week 2 to 6 hours per week 7 to 15 hours per week 16 or more hours per week
Meditative movement (Tai Chi, Qigong, Yoga, or similar)
Seated meditation 
Strength training (Weight training, resistance machines, or similar)
Endurance (Aerobic ) training (Walking, running, jogging, cycling, etc)
Occupational activity that you feel supports your wellness. 
Calisthenic type activities (Zumba, Pilates, etc)
Thank you for your time and commitment to this project!