REAL Resiliency 2019
We appreciate your interest in signing up for REAL Resiliency!
REAL (Redefining Empowerment through Accountability and Learning) Resiliency is a skills and knowledge building program that supports middle and high school youth in handling challenges in their lives, families, schools, and communities by building community, developing critical thinking, and visioning for a healthier and successful future.
Registration is in 3-month increments. Please choose one or more workshops to attend. 
Foundational Workshops focus on 3 topics necessary to understanding  specific challenges youth face which include:
Paving My Own Path (School-to-Prison Pipeline)
In My Feelings (Emotional Literacy)
 Thrive Not Survive (Conflict Resolution)
Foundation Workshops take place on Saturdays, 10am-3pm. Breakfast and Lunch provided.
Focus Workshops are centered on additional topics that impact youth
which include the following:
Gender IDentity & Me
Intersecting Our Stories (U.S. Systems & Culture)
Healthy Relationships
CommUNITY Violence
Substance Use/Coping
Focus Workshops take place on Thursdays, 5pm-8pm. Dinner is provided.
Locations will be announced one week prior to each workshop. We will contact you via email/phone/text with the correct information.