Please fill in this form to register for the event. Registering will ensure you receive the zoom link, alternative call-in information, pre-event materials and any follow up information.

Information provided will only be used for purposes related to Provincial engagement on climate action by Natural Resource Ministries. 

This information is being collected by the Climate Action Secretariat under 26(c) of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act. If you have any questions or concerns please do not hesitate to contact Anna Bunce, Senior Policy Analyst, at or 778-698-9408.

Question Title

* 1. By indicating ‘yes’ below, I consent to the disclosure of my contact information to other Natural Resource Ministries for the purpose of contacting me for further climate related engagements. I also consent to the temporary storage of the feedback I give in this session on SurveyMonkey servers. I understand that these servers may be accessed from outside of Canada. This consent is valid from this date forward, and may be revoked by contacting Anna Bunce, Senior Policy Analyst at If you would like to register but do not consent to sharing your information please contact Kristy Joe at or 250-280-8486 to register for the event.

Question Title

* 2. First Name

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* 3. Last Name

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* 4. Title/Occupation

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* 5. First Nation, Indigenous Nation or Indigenous Organization you are associated with

Question Title

* 6. Contact Information (You will receive a zoom link emailed to the email address you provide here)

Question Title

* 7. Do you have any past experience with CleanBC initiatives?

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* 8. Do you have any suggested questions you think we should ask attendees at these engagement sessions?

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* 9. Is there anything else you would like to share with us prior to these sessions? (Topics of interest, important context etc.)

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* 10. We are offering one payment of $250.00 to each Nation or Indigenous organization that has representatives in attendance at any of the CleanBC engagement sessions happening from January 28th to March 2nd, 2021. A cheque or electronic funds transfer will be sent to the Nation or Indigenous organizations after the engagement ends in March. This is in acknowledgement of your time and contributions to the development of the Province's climate policies and programs.

Question Title

* 11. If payment is to go to an Indigenous Nation or Indigenous Organization, do you have access to their GST number? If possible please provide below: (not required but we encourage to have quick access to it for a follow up phone call or email)

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* 12. Do you self identify as a Youth or Elder?

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* 13. Please register for one or more of the following sessions that best fit your interests and perspectives: