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* 1. What is your vision of what Epping Road should look like/become as a whole?  Please specify aesthetics, business mix, and infrastructure.

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* 2. Using the High Potential Parcels map, using the parcel number, please specify what you believe is the right fit for these properties.

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* 3. What do you view as the impediments/challenges the corridor faces to achieve that vision?

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* 4. Many communities have implemented a multi-use approach that includes a mix of commercial, industrial and residential uses to create a more ‘village-style’ atmosphere, increase vibrancy, maximize taxable value and make use of hard-to-develop property.  Please provide your feedback on this concept for Epping Road.

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* 5. Due to the existing and potential development on both sides of Epping Road, one or multiple traffic lights and even a third (turning) lane may be necessary.  Please offer your thoughts on this subject.

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* 6. In addition to developing the roadside along Rt. 27 and the rear portions of the larger parcels south of Rt. 101, the Epping Road TIF seeks to offer water and sewer to the land just north of Rt. 101.  If anything, what do you believe would be appropriate for this location?

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* 7. Is there any type of commercial development you feel would be inappropriate for Epping Road?  If so, why?