
Hello! I'm so excited that you're interested in joining The Momentum Mastermind. Please take a few moments to complete the brief application below. I'll connect with you shortly after I receive your application to talk through any questions and make sure we'll be a good fit for you, and you for us. Thanks! Becca

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* 1. What's your business? How long have you been in your current business?

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* 2. Why are you in the business you're in? What's your why?

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* 3. What's going well in your business and life? What do you want to keep moving forward and amplify? 

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* 4. What's not going well in your business and life? Where have you lost momentum? Why, if you know?

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* 5. What most interests you about this Mastermind? What are you hoping to get out of it?

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* 6. How can we, your mastermind partners, help you succeed?

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* 7. What special skills or magic sauce do you bring to the mastermind mix?

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* 8. How do you like your feedback?

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* 9. Where, outside the mastermind, can you get more support?

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* 10. You've made it to the end!  Please enter your name, phone number and email. I'll contact you shortly about your interest to see if we're a fit. Thanks!