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* 1. First name and Last Name (Optional)

Question Title

* 2. Imagine that you are a teacher about to start a unit on famous battles of the Civil War. Which of the following are primary sources that you could integrate into your classroom? (please check all that apply)

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* 3. Imagine that you are a science teacher about to start a unit on volcanoes. Which of the following are primary sources that you could integrate into your classroom? (please check all that apply)

Question Title

* 4. After completing this Teaching with Primary Sources program, how prepared do you feel to:

  Very prepared Prepared Somewhat prepared Not at all prepared
Explain what primary sources are.
Locate primary sources for use in the classroom, e.g. from the Library of Congress.
Explain why primary sources are important for teaching and learning.

Question Title

* 5. Please indicate the degree to which you agree to the following statements after completing this Teaching with Primary Sources program. I know how to...

  Strongly agree Agree Disagree Strongly disagree
judge whether a document was created by a person who witnessed the event.
verify information from a primary source against other evidence and sources.
assess the point of view of the author/creator of a primary source.
assess whether the primary source is intended to inform or persuade others.
use tools and formats from the Teacher’s page to analyze primary sources.

Question Title

* 6. Please indicate the degree to which you agree to the following statements after completing this Teaching with Primary Sources program. I know how to...

  Strongly agree Agree Disagree Strongly disagree
incorporate primary sources into my lesson plans.
select primary source strategies that support specific standards I plan to implement in my classroom.
select primary sources that reveal different points of view on the same topic.
use primary sources to assess students’ prior knowledge on a subject.
teach students to analyze different kinds of sources (e.g., photographs, maps, documents).
how to navigate and find primary sources on the Library of Congress website.
determine whether a primary source has a copyright and how to cite the resource.

Question Title

* 7. Please indicate the degree to which you agree to the following statements after completing this Teaching with Primary Sources program. I know how to...

  Strongly agree Agree Disagree Strongly disagree
locate and use primary sources to encourage students to recognize conflicting points of view.
support students in using their prior experiences or background knowledge to generate questions about a new topic or subject matter.
support students in organizing information to find common patterns, and draw conclusions and new understandings.
teach students to organize and draw conclusions from the information they have found using primary sources.
provide ways for students to confront conflicting ideas and form their own evidence ­based opinions.
facilitate lessons that encourage students to take a stand and defend it verbally or in writing.
use primary sources to build student critical thinking, analysis, and inquiry skills.
encourage students to use questioning techniques while working with primary sources.
use primary sources to improve student literacy.
enhance primary source instruction with various tech tools.

Question Title

* 8. Please indicate the degree to which you agree to the following statements after completing this Teaching with Primary Sources program.

  Strongly agree Agree Disagree Strongly disagree
The objectives of the program were clearly stated.
The information was presented in a manner that I was able to understand.
Program activities were effective in holding my interest.
There were sufficient opportunities to network and learn with other colleagues.
The program met my expectations and was of high quality.

Question Title

* 9. Within the next 6 months, how likely are you to:

  Very likely Likely Somewhat unlikely Very unlikely
Locate primary sources on the Library of Congress website.
Develop a lesson that uses primary sources.
Integrate primary sources into your existing lesson plans.
Incorporate primary sources into classroom activities that utilize inquiry methods.
Use primary sources as visual examples for your classroom instruction.
Use primary sources to demonstrate different points of view about an event or topic.
Have students use primary sources to write about and further investigate topics or events.
Attend another TPS program.
Share what you learned through TPS with colleagues in your school or district.
Explore resources and engage with others on the TPS Teachers Network.
Participate in a webinar about your experiences using primary sources in your classroom.

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* 10. What else would you have liked to learn?

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* 11. What would you like to see if we have another Summer Institute?

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* 12. Do you have any other comments?