Welcome to the Library Support Staff ADVOCATE of the Year Nomination Form for 2021

Please provide the full name, workplace address, email and workplace name for each of the following:

Question Title

* 1. Who are you nominating? (please note, this person does NOT have to be a library staff member, a paralibrarian, or a degreed librarian. Example: a town mayor who advocates for and is extremely supportive of paralibrarians.)

Question Title

* 2. Who is your nominee's supervisor?

Question Title

* 3. Who are you?

Question Title

* 4. Please describe in what ways this person has demonstrated their appreciation and support of library support staff. Give specific detailed examples.
Has their support been passive or active? Have they offered financial support or incentives? Have they made it possible for paralibrarians in your community to reach beyond the limits of their defined position? Have they enabled paralibrarians to continue their education, or participate in the larger library community?

Question Title

* 5. How does your nominee show they recognize that true professionalism is not limited to degreed librarians?

Question Title

* 6. Is there anything else we should know about your nominee that will convince us that they stand out from all the other candidates?