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* 1. When did you last visit the Aspen Music Festival and School (AMFS) website?

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* 2. Do you primarily access the AMFS website from your computer, phone, or iPad?

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* 3. What functions do you visit for? (Click all that apply.)

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* 4. How thorough and easy to use are the elements of the site that you access?

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* 5. Overall, navigating the AMFS website was:

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* 6. Overall, the AMFS website feels:

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* 7. Are there other websites you particularly enjoy you would point out as examples to emulate?

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* 8. Are there elements or content missing from the AMFS website that you wish were there?

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* 9. Is there anything else you would change about the AMFS website to better meet your needs and make it an excellent representation of the AMFS?