CRC TiME Communications Survey 2023

1.Which of the following best describes you?
2.How did you learn about CRC TiME?
3.Which of these online platforms do you use most often to find information?
4.How do you access research information?
5.Which of CRC TiME's platforms and communication methods reach you?
6.Which of these topics do you consider CRC TiMES's primary focus areas?
7.What kind of content interests you?
8.Are you inclined to share CRC TiME's content
9.How would you rate the quality of CRC TiME's current communications and engagement activities?
10.How useful do you find the information CRC TiME distributes?
11.Which of these publications do you regularly read?
12.How many people within CRC TiME actively contact you (within a three-month period)?
Thank you for your time. Please feel free to follow us on LinkedIn, and Twitter, and subscribe to our quarterly newsletter!