To participate in Adopt A Provider, please submit the form below.
By accepting donations through the Adopt a Provider program, you agree to use the donated goods for the purpose originally listed unless noted by both parties. Child care providers are responsible to ensure items/donations meet their regulation requirements. Childcaring may conduct follow up reviews to ensure items/funding received are used for needs listed. Any party neglecting the integrity of this program will no longer be able to participate and may be asked to return the items/funding.
Donation ideas:
- Money or gift cards
- Groceries (ex: groceries for a week, $500 value)
- Consumables like paper, paint, paper towels, etc.
- Ex: 10 packs of crayons/paper/etc for each classroom
- Updated toys and equipment (books, puzzles, dolls, balls, high chairs, cribs, table).
- Outdoor play equipment (swings, bikes, fall-resistant/absorbing material).
- Maintenance projects (painting, grass mowing, landscaping, snow removal).
- Safety equipment (fire extinguisher, smoke alarms, carbon dioxide detector, safety gate, outlet covers).
- Training, conferences, professional development opportunities;
If you have questions or need additional help please contact Childcaring: 1.800.628.8534 or info@childcaring.org.
Items marked with an asterisk (*) will be shared on the Adopt A Provider webpage.