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We thank you for the time, thought and energy you will invest in completing this questionnaire.  By doing so you assist Resilient Canmore to develop an accurate and inclusive picture of the mood of our community as we think about Canmore’s future. This questionnaire will take approximately 6-15 minutes to complete, depending on how much you want to share in our open ended questions.
You have been invited to participate because you have been identified as an active and caring member of the Canmore community.
Resilient Canmore is a new not-for-profit Society.  We take a whole-of-Canmore approach.  Our concern is both wide and inclusive – all sectors, all citizens and all dimensions of our life as a mountain community.  We are committed to the development of Canmore as a resilient, inclusive and cohesive community – a community fit to live in, a landscape fit to live on and citizens fit to live with.  In a world that is under the increasing pressures of an uncertain economy, conflicting priorities, mutating viruses, public frustration and more, this is a significant aspiration.
Your participation in this questionnaire is voluntary. You may choose to not participate or withdraw your participation at any time.

You can re-enter the questionnaire once completed and edit and/or add to your responses. To do so simply re-click on the URL provided to you in the invitation email;

All data will be stored in a confidential, password protected electronic format. The answers to this questionnaire will be used to inform Resilient Canmore on the willingness and desire of the community to engage with us on a journey towards greater resilience. Written comments and answers may be used in presentations to council, businesses, and firms in Canmore, but these comments will remain anonymous.

We encourage you to fill out all answers in the questionnaire, particularly the boxes explaining your answer. These will provide us with key insights to inform our project. We also encourage you to be as open and honest as possible with your answers.

Comment boxes can be enlarged by clicking and dragging the bottom right corner of the answer box. Unfortunately, the software does not allow you to download your answers as a .pdf file once you have completed the questionnaire. 

If you have any questions about Resilient Canmore or this questionnaire please contact Eli Panning-Osendarp at We are grateful for the support of the Resilient Institute in partnering with us on this project. 

Question Title

* 1. Electronic Consent

By clicking the “agree” button below, you indicate that:
  • You have read the above information 
  • You voluntarily agree to participate in this questionnaire.
If you do not wish to participate in this questionnaire, please click on the “disagree” button.

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