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We want to hear from you!

The Town of Pilot Butte is conducting a Recreation Needs Assessment to better understand the current state of recreation in the area. The project will also provide valuable information that can be used to inform future priorities and investment. Engagement with residents and stakeholder groups will occur throughout the winter 2023-2024. The project is scheduled to conclude in February 2024.

Engagement with residents is a critical aspect of this project. The information collected from residents and other engagement being conducted as part of the project (i.e. stakeholder and community group discussions, open houses, etc.) will help the project team assess current recreation strengths and gaps.

Please complete this survey by January 23, 2024, considering the opinions and perspectives of all members of your household. If you have any questions on this survey or the project please contact the Impact Group (project consultants) at We thank you in advance for your valuable feedback. 

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* 1. What indoor recreation activities does your household do during the year?

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* 2. What outdoor recreation does your family do during the year?

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* 3. What are the main reasons you and/or members of your household participate in recreation and related activities? Please select all that apply.

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* 4. How do you think your household’s annual participation will change in these activities?

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* 5. Why do you think your participation will or will not change?

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* 6. How important are recreation activities to your household's quality of life?

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* 7. How important is recreation activities to the overall community and region?

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* 8. How do you currently find out about recreation opportunities?

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* 9. Please indicate your household’s overall level of satisfaction with your household’s ability to access the recreation facilities and spaces you want to use.

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* 10. Please indicate your household’s overall level of satisfaction with your household’s ability to access the recreation programming and activities you want to participate in.

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* 11. What, if anything, limits you and/or members of your household from participating in recreation opportunities? Please select all that apply.

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* 12. From the list below, please select the top 2 things (assets / attributes) that you like best about recreation in the Pilot Butte area.

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* 13. Please estimate how often in the previous 12 months members of your household have used or visited the recreation facilities and spaces in Pilot Butte.

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* 14. Do members of your household have to travel out of your community to access recreational activities and/or facilities that are not available in the Town of Pilot Butte?

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* 15. If members of your household have to travel out of Pilot Butte to access recreational activities and/or facilities, on average how many times per month do you travel to access these recreational activities and/or facilities?

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* 16. Is there a need for new and/or enhanced recreation facilities to be developed in the Pilot Butte area?

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* 17. Please select up to five (5) INDOOR recreation/multi-use facilities or spaces that should be a priority for future investment (enhancement and/or new development).

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* 18. Please select up to five (5) OUTDOOR recreation/multi-use facilities or spaces that should be a priority for future investment (enhancement and/or new development

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* 19. Would your household be willing to pay increased taxes to enhance recreation opportunities (facilities and programs) in the Pilot Butte area?

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* 20. How much of an annual property tax increase would your household be willing to support to enhance recreational opportunities?

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* 21. Would you be willing to volunteer your time to fundraise for the development of a multi-use recreational facility in Pilot Butte?

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* 22. Please choose which areas of volunteer fundraising that you would be willing to contribute.

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* 23. What is most important for the Town of Pilot Butte to consider when deciding how to provide recreational opportunities for all residents?

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* 24. How long have you lived in the area?

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* 25. Do you expect to be residing in Pilot Butte for the next five years?

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* 26. Please describe your household by recording the number of members in each of the following age groups. Don’t forget to include yourself.

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