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* 1. Please provide your name, organization, and e-mail address.

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* 2. What does Kentucky do well regarding preparing educators to teach reading and mathematics in the primary grades?

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* 3. Where can Kentucky most improve in its support for educators in the teaching of reading and mathematics in the primary grades? Are there areas on which consensus can be built?

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* 4. What is the best way to foster and provide ongoing support for good teaching practices?

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* 5. What teacher professional development options are already available that would have the greatest impact on student outcomes in the primary grades?

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* 6. How can Kentucky make sure we have time for appropriate teacher professional development?

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* 7. How can professional learning opportunities be made more practical and relevant, and ensure they are successful on improving student outcomes?

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* 8. Describe the teaching techniques or strategies that are most effective for preparing teachers, specifically regarding reading and mathematics in the primary grades.

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* 9. What metrics should institutions and programs that prepare teachers use to measure success to ensure continuous improvement?

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* 10. If you work/study in an educator preparation program, what elements in your program are specifically focused on preparing primary grade educators to teach reading and mathematics? Is there a specific focus in reading on the areas of phonemic awareness, phonics, fluency, vocabulary, and comprehension?

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* 11. Are there other insights you wish to share regarding the improvement of teacher preparation and professional learning in Kentucky, specific to literacy and numeracy in the primary grades?

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* 12. Are you a member of the Prichard Committee's Teacher Vision Cohort?