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Welcome to this Survey.

The objective of this Survey is to assess the effects of Triple Cs Climate-related challenges (Drought/Floods), Covid-19, and Conflict (Russia-Ukraine) on African Feed and Fodder Systems.

Feeding is the leading input in livestock production, representing over 60% of the cost of production. This assessment focuses on access, availability, price trends, and the emergency measures taken to address the shortages and access to feed and fodder and by extension, livestock-sourced foods.

The Survey will take between 15 and 40 minutes of your time. Your input as a key actor in the Feed and Fodder sector will contribute significantly to the process of designing approaches to increase the resilience of Africa’s Feed and Fodder systems.

The privacy, security, and confidentiality of the data that you will provide through this survey is important to us and will be handled strictly in accordance with the AU data Policy.
1% of survey complete.