The LITS InfoForums increase your knowledge of library and IT projects and initiatives.

InfoForums are opportunities to share a new project or initiative, to learn more about what is going on in other areas of Emory Libraries and Information Technology, and to collaborate and connect with your colleagues.

This survey is crucial in helping us improve the InfoForums to better serve our community.

Question Title

* 1. How likely is it that you would recommend the InfoForum to a friend or colleague?


Question Title

* 2. How many InfoForums did you attend this past Fall 2018 through Spring 2019?

Question Title

* 3. Overall, how would you rate the InfoForums?

Question Title

* 4. What do you like about the InfoForums?

Question Title

* 5. What would you change about the InfoForums?

Question Title

* 6. Are the InfoForums too long, too short or about right in length (currently 1 hour)?

Question Title

* 7. Please rate these elements of the InfoForum

  Love it Like it Neutral Dislike it Hate it
Multi-speaker format
Light refreshments (cookies, drinks)
Rebroadcasts of the InfoForums
Diversity of speaker topics

Question Title

* 8. Please rank the various food vendors we had in FY19

  Loved Liked Neutral Disliked
Ali's Cookies (Sept. '18) - icing shooters, cake pops, chocolate-covered pretzels
F2O (Oct. '18) - bagels, muffins, and fruit
Revolution Donuts (Nov. '18) - donuts
Highland Bakery (Dec. '18) - cinnamon rolls
Alon's Bakery (Jan. '19) - cakes and pastries
Flying Biscuit (Feb. '19) - biscuits
Endulge (Mar. '19) - cupcakes
General Muir (Apr. '19) - bagels and schmears

Question Title

* 9. What topics would you like to see covered in 2019-20?

Question Title

* 10. Is there anything else you’d like to share about the InfoForums?