
To facilitate the reduction in restrictions and barriers to trade in services in the EAC region, GIZ has been supporting the EAC secretariat through the SEAMPEC project, to implement the following interventions;
  • Develop minimum standards, including guidelines for licensing and registration, for EAC Tourism services providers such as Tour Operators, Travel Agents.
  • Support the implementation of the EAC Tourism Recovery Plan to promote Regional Tourism,
  • Conduct an International Mobile Roaming Study for ONA (IMRS),
  • Support implementation of MRA Roadmap for Engineers including proposals on regulatory reform and removal of other restrictions.
  • DIGEAT Project to facilitate cross-border movement of Engineers in the EAC through utilization of digital applications will be piloted 01.07.2022
As a follow-up to the mid-term survey conducted in 2021, GIZ is currently conducting a final survey, to establish your perception of the restrictions and barriers to services provided in the EAC region.
Your feedback will be extremely helpful in evaluating the implementation process, on the removal of Trade in Services barriers and restrictions in the EAC, and designing better and more timely interventions and measures that are responsive to the Partner States' needs. 

Question Title

* 1. Type of service industry

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* 2. Are there any restrictions you face as a service provider in the sector within the EAC region?

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* 3. If Yes, What are the type of restrictions?

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* 4. Based on your experience as a service provider, could you kindly rate these restrictions on a scale of 1-5 (1- Very low barrier & 5- Very high barrier)

1 - Very low 5 - Very high
i We adjusted the number you entered based on the slider’s scale.

Question Title

* 5. Can you state any improvements in the provision of Trade in Services in your sector and if not, what more could be done to improve these conditions?