Survey from Northeast Tri County Health District

Northeast Tri County Health District, with the approval from the Board of Health, is gathering public input on a possible vaping resolution in Ferry/Pend Oreille/Stevens County. This proposal is aimed at protecting the public’s health by prohibiting vaping in public places and would be included with the Smoking in Public Places Law (Initiative 901) which was passed in November 2005, to protect the citizens of the State of WA from the effects of second-hand smoke.  The current law prohibits any person from smoking indoors at a public place or place of employment. The law also requires owners, lessees, or other persons in charge of a public place or place of employment to prohibit smoking in those places and to post signs prohibiting smoking.

Northeast Tri County Health District values your feedback concerning establishing a local Vaping Resolution.  Please take a few moments to answer the following questions concerning this.  Thank you.

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* 1. Would you support adding vaping to the already established “Smoking in Public Places” law?

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* 2. Do you have any questions concerning how adding vaping to the law will affect you?

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* 3. Do you have any suggestions for Northeast Tri County Health District concerning a Vaping Resolution?

Thank you for your response on this important health matter.