Section 2. Assessment Framework

This survey should be completed alongside the accompanying slidedeck which gives more details on the proposed methodology updates.

This section is mainly based on existing content from ACT FR v1.1, including ACT principle, ACT guiding questions, and inputs required for an ACT assessment. More guidance about companies’ maturity and scope of activities to be considered for the assessment is proposed.
Update proposal - Add two sub-sections:
•Maturity journey highlighting requirements and recommendations about ACT Step-by-Step approach vs. ACT assessments (section 2.2).
•Matching scope of activities to clarify how to ensure assessed companies’ activities fit within the scope defined in ACT methodologies (section 2.4).

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* 1. Do you have any comments and suggestions related to section 2.2. Maturity Journey: From GHG Accounting to ACT Assessment?

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* 2. Do you have any comments and suggestions related to section 2.4. Matching Scope of Activities?

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* 3. Any further comments or suggestions on this section?