Please complete the brief survey before our December 14, 2016 call, where we will discuss the results.  We appreciate your time!  If you have more to share than space allows, please write us at and/or We are extremely interested in hearing from you!

Valeri Aymami, MSN, RN, CPN, PCNS-BC
Pediatrics SIG Chair, 2016-2017

Christine Macaulay, RN, MSN, CEN
Pediatrics SIG Co-Chair, 2016-2017

Question Title

* 1. What measurement tool does your organization use for patient family satisfaction/experience data?

Question Title

* 2. What strategies or tactics are you using to enhance your scores?

Question Title

* 3. Please share any tactics or strategies you found successful in your efforts to enhance patient/family experience measures:

Question Title

* 4. Please select the setting that best describes your current practice