In preparation for the upcoming legislative session, I just received a request for an update on how any of the one-time allocation is being used.

Stephanie Winner (SBCTC Operating Budget Director) is reaching out to the business officers and I am reaching out to you all for any info you can provide.

This is one of several opportunities for you to share directly in your own words, your needs and experiences.

The specific ask was:
Last session, the Legislature provided $12M one-time in 2023-25 for DEI investments. I’ve been asked for an update on this.
 - How has the funding been spent so far? What projects or initiatives are colleges working on? Please provide a few examples.
Please provide the information by Wednesday, January 3. Let me know if you have any questions.
Michele Alishahi, Senior Fiscal Analyst
Senate Ways & Means Committee
Phone: (360) 786-7433

Please reach out if you have questions.

With thanks,
cell: 206.288.3511

Question Title

* 1. What college are you responding on behalf of?

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* 2. How has/is the $12M one-time in 2023-25 for DEI investments that was provided in the last legislative session been spent so far? What projects or initiatives has this enabled you to start or expand? Please provide a few examples.

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* 3. What specific impact could additional funds make on your work and on the experiences and outcomes of the students, faculty, and staff you serve? What challenges and needs could be addressed by additional funding?

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* 4. These are the top needs I/we have in this work, and how legislative funding could support it.

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* 5. Are there additional comments and feedback you would like to share?

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* 6. I would like further conversation. Please contact me at the email and/or phone below.