The Top Telecom CEO award recognizes the top CEOs/Presidents in the Canadian ICT industry. This award distinguishes leaders that have truly made a difference in their company, community and the industry as a whole. If you have any questions, please contact Jeff Doran:
The award measures the following areas:
·       Communication
·       Engagement
·       Social Responsibility
·       Trust & Respect
·       Innovation
·       Major Challenge
·       Submission Process
Fill in the application form by describing in detail, leadership capabilities that demonstrate why your CEO/President should be the recipient of the Top Telecom CEO award.

Question Title

* 1. Please provide the name of your CEO/President as well as the nominator’s name and contact information. You will be contacted from the organizing committee to confirm you submission, finalize payment and discuss assessment schedule.

 CEO/President name:

Question Title

* 2. Nominator’s contact information: