Vehicle Maintenance

Let us hear from you!  Your feedback will help us develop our service, so let us know more about how you currently maintain your vehicle and what you'd like to see from us!

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* 1. How do you currently maintain your vehicle(s)?

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* 2. How frequently do you perform maintenance on your vehicle(s)?

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* 3. For a subscription service where you are charged when we deliver relevant parts to you, how important are the following items?

  Not Important Slightly Important Moderately Important Very Important Extremely Important
Total Cost of Package
Shipping/Arrival Time of Package
Ability to Customize Each Package
Types of Brands Included in Package

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* 4. Which of the following are reasons why you might join our Maintenance Club? Select all that apply.

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* 5. Which of the following are reasons that you might not join our Maintenance Club? Select all that apply.

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* 6. If we launched the Maintenance Club today, how likely would you be to subscribe to it?

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* 7. Let us hear from you!  What would you like to see from our Maintenance Club?  We are still developing the program, so the feedback you provide will *directly* be used to build the service!

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* 8. For your chance to win the $100 Amazon gift card, please provide us with your email address.  We'll also let you know right before we launch the FIXD Maintenance Club so you can be a premier member!