Copy of Feedback Question Title * 1. Are your currently a member of a Back Country Horsemen Chapter? Current Active Member Current Inactive Member Past Member Considering Membership If your answer is "Inactive or Past", Why? Question Title * 2. Why did you join or are thinking of joining Back Country Horsemen (Check all that apply) Back Country Trail Riding (Fun Rides) Back Country Horse Camping (Trail Head) Back Country Pack Trips Learn where you can ride Ride with knowledgeable people Clinics and Training Great Food and lively camp fire conversations Trail Project - Keeping Idaho's trails open Previously a member in another state or chapter Other (please specify) Question Title * 3. What types of training or events would you like to see the chapter host? (Check all that apply) First Aid & CPR Wilderness First Aid (16 hours) Sawyer Certification (A&B Cards) Safe Trail Riding - Basic Safe Trail Riding - Advanced Stock Packing - Basic Stock Packing - Advanced GPS & Map Navagation Dutch Oven Cooking Trailer Maintenance & Safety Basic Hoof Care Basic Vet Care for the Trail Camping with Stock Trailering in the back country Rendezvous event Suggest other training or skills Question Title * 4. If you attended an educational clinic or class, what suggestions would you have to make the experience better? Offer clinics on weekdays Offer clinics more frequently Expand the topics of clinics that are offered Provide more hands on opportunities for practice Other (please specify) Question Title * 5. If you haven't participated in a fun ride, pack trip or overnight camping, why? Not interested Don't have the equipment or skills Can't take time off work to go I don't have stock of my own to use The events are to far away Gas is to expensive to participate Staying overnight is not an option for me Other reasons I did not attend- Question Title * 6. How far are you willing to drive to attend an event or project? 25 miles 50 miles 75 miles 100 miles 150 miles or more Depends on the Event Other (please specify) Question Title * 7. Which of the following resources have you used in the last year? (Please mark all that apply) Back Country Musings online newsletter Back Country Musings library Back Country Musings Chapter History Event Calendar-Sign up for event Event Calendar Mileage and Hours tracking Website Welcome page Chapter Facebook page Website Presidents Corner Website videos Website Directions page Google Photos-chapter events Website links Website contact us Website Clinic information Question Title * 8. If you attended a fun ride (public ride) what suggestions would you have to make these better in the future? Exploring new places Offering events on weekdays instead of weekends only Splitting up a group of more than 10 riders Offering horse/car pooling to events Other (please specify) Question Title * 9. If you attended a Project ride, or Pack trip-what suggestions do you have to make these better in the future? Offer more weekend options for rides Offer longer options for pack trips and rides Offer car pooling/horse pooling for rides Ensure dates/times and places are on the calendar at least two months in advance Offer gas reimbursement for project participation Other (please specify) Question Title * 10. Have you, or would you like an option to attend meetings, clinics, or educational events virtually (an example would be Zoom meetings or Google hangout meetings) I have attended a virtual chapter meeting in the past, and would attend again given the option I have never attended a virtual chapter meeting, but would like the option to attend virtually I would not attend a virtual chapter meeting or event I would attend a virtual chapter meeting or event Done