1. Your Preferences

Youth agency YASP plan to expand their small but successful internet café, currently located on the opposite side of the road from the church, to a larger, purpose-designed café that will serve the community, building users and be run as a youth training programme.

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* 1. How often do you normally eat out in Levenshulme?

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* 2. If you eat out in Levenshulme where do you normally go?

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* 3. Do you ever buy take-aways in Levenshulme?

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* 4. How often do you ‘go out for a coffee’ in Levenshulme?

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* 5. What kind of food do you prefer when you go out?

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* 6. What kind of food do you prefer?

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* 7. What kind of drinks do you prefer when you go out?

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* 8. Approximately how much would you be prepared to pay for any of the following:

  £1.50 or less £2.00 £3.50 £5.00 £7.50 £10.00 £15.00 £20.00 or more
Evening meal
Snack – sandwich, baked potato etc

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* 9. Approximately how much would you be prepared to pay for any of the following:

  50p or less £1.00 £1.50 £2.00 £2.50 £3.50 £5.00 or more
Cake / pastries
Coffee / Tea / Hot drink
Soft drink

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* 10. What kind of place would you be most likely to use?

  Not at all Unlikely Likely Very Likely
Take away
Internet café
Deli / groceries

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* 11. What time of day would you be most likely to use a café-type place?

  Not at all Unlikely Likely Very Likely

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* 12. Would you be likely to use a café-type place for any of the following?

  Not at all Unlikely Likely Very likely
Meeting friends
Using the internet
Reading newspapers
Buying other groceries
Holding children’s parties
Holding business meeting

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* 13. What other groceries would you consider buying from a café-type place?

  Not at all Unlikely Likely Very Likely
Snacks – chocolates, crisps etc
Basic provisions – bread, milk etc
Fruit / veg
Healthy foods – organic stuff etc

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* 14. Where would you be most likely to use a new café-type place in Levenshulme?

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* 15. Have you got any other ideas about what you would like a community café in Levenshulme to be like?

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* 16. Would you be more likely to use the new café, in the knowledge that all profits are being put back into the project in order to create opportunities for young people?

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