General  Information

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* 1. Last Name

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* 2. First Name

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* 3. Your Stanford ID number

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* 4. Are you planning to attend the Sociology Department Zoom graduation celebration?

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* 5. First and last name - as it should be announced - and pronunciation of each name (regardless of how obvious you think it is to pronounce!)

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* 6. Phone number that you are most easily reached at - this will only be used  prior to the celebration in case we have to track you down urgently.

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* 7. Your Stanford email address
IMPORTANT: We will ONLY correspond via your email address

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* 8. Stanford experiences and/or future plans (2-3 sentences). You MUST include this mini-bio (written in the third person), to be read when your name is called during the celebration. Masters students with research project should include the title of their research project and their research project adviser.  Please note that responses may be edited for brevity. During this celebration, each graduate will have the opportunity to say a few brief words, for example thanking parents and friends, so no need to include that in this bio.) Here are some examples from previous years:

(a) Erica worked as an RA in Mirrielees during her senior year, pursued her interest in acting, and has been an active member of the Stanford African Students Association and Kuumba African Dance Troupe. She plans to pursue a career in PR or Marketing.

(b) Randall will be moving to Los Angeles to complete a management-training program with Mc-Master Carr, an industrial supply company, before attending law school in 2015. He was a peer advisor in the department and is graduating today with honors.

(c) Alex completed his undergraduate degree in computer science, with interdisciplinary honors in Science, Technology, and Society. His honors thesis examined the sociopolitical biases in the Google search engine. Alex recently joined Google as an associate product manager

(d) Cynthia was Co-Director of the Stanford Medical Youth Science Program, traveled to the Philippines to study issues in higher education, and had the time of her life while at Stanford. After summer she will return to the Bay Area as an Associate with Triage Consulting Group.

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* 9. Guest list: Please provide information on all guests you wish to invite to this online celebration who will require a separate email invitation.